Justin Goodrum is a director, producer, and writer. Justin has worked with NBCLX on directing and producing a short documentary on mental health disparities in Milwaukee’s black community. Justin’s company, Good Entertainment, was honored to be chosen to present at the 2021 Culture, Heath, and wellbeing international conference. Justin was a participant in Firelights 2021 groundwork Lab with his film, The Stigma of the Durag that explores his personal experience of being labeled as a gang member at a predominantly white college for wearing a Durag. The Stigma of the Durag premiered at the 2022 Milwaukee Film Festival where it won Honorable Mention. The Stigma of the Durag also aired on Milwaukee PBS Black Nouveau in 2023. For the last three years Justin has been producing One Minute Remaining, an independent feature length documentary exposing the social and economic burden of incarceration on women. Currently in post production the film aims to be released in 2024. Currently Justin is in pre-production of his feature film, Christopher. This film is tackling mental health disparities in the Black community in a familiar and entertaining genre. Justin has also been accepted into the 2023 Milwaukee Film’s Focus Finder filmmaking accelerator program and a 2024 Mary Nohl fellow Emerging Artist.